About Manjit Sargam Chawla
My Story
I am currently working in a public sector bank as an Officer, Passionately I write books, coach law of attraction lessons and art of living the life happily.
I finished my Graduation and Masters at home through distance education as I have to see over my family and my specially abled child.
I was enough fortunate that my spiritual side of life goes on simultaneously with my family responsibilities. I regularly did Meditation and read books my entire life which leads me towards spiritual awakening and wisdom.
I took birth in a middle class very spiritual family in a small city named Shahabad Markanda, in Haryana, I went through my school from the same city and as soon as I finished my class 12, I have to get married and the same has been done.
I am the elder child of my father among my two sisters and one brother so he had many more responsibilities and thats why being an elder at home made my behavior also responsible and caring.
My writing Journey started when On 7th July,2016 I went through a serious accident while on my bank duty.
In accident , My right elbow has been crushed into 6 pieces, and the shoulder and the ankle are separated from each other, Doctor said , we will do the surgery but you will never able to move this hand even not able to eat food, and write from this hand as multiple nerves and multiple fractures had taken place in my right arm. They put so many screws, plates , rods and pins to bind the bones, which hurts like anything…
I am a mother of a girl who is already right side paralytic and she is not able to move her right hand from her childhood…
For me and my husband it was another challenge as already we were suffering from same trauma for our daughter and the next one is mine , who is taking care of the whole family.
There is a blessing in every disguise.
I took that accident as a blessing, I always wanted to be an author, but due to bank job, household chores and children , I was never able to spare my time to write. After one week of my surgery , the sedations were very strong as my arm had severe pain..
I tried writing from my left hand, but yes I can’t then I wrote two books named..The Mystic of twin Flame relationship, and the first draft of Live Love and Laugh Book on laptop from my left hand in a one month and get published, after that they become one of the Amazon Bestseller Books along with doing my all chores with just one hand.
Day by day, with the blessings of Almighty, I exercised regularly, take proper diet , joined my duty, tried my best to overcome and now my right hand is capable of doing 90%of normal routine chores although many times it hurts but I got used to it and become an inspiration for my daughter that if you have a will power to fight , you can win…
Same life story is written in my book Live love and laugh that how you can change your circumstances by your thought process and trust on Almighty.

Feedback & Reviews
Most of the time my all clients from twin flame coaching and twin flame ascension are kept secret untill and unless they allow me to reveal but you can read the reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, Instagram and many blogs of them.
“We live at a place where spiritual journey, spiritual awakening is easy but in the midst of practical life you attain the heights of spirituality is remarkable and I really wants to coauthor a book with you “
Yogi Dr. Amrit Raj
MaaYoga Ashram, Arogyadham Rishikesh, Dehradun, Meerut
“We creating happy and wisdom in people through our Art of Living programmes and you creating people happy and contented through your Books “
Sh Shailesh Rathod
“The Love and spirituality you spread with your books is amazing “
Nooran Sisters
Spiritual Sufi Singers
What Can I Do for You?
Need Positive and success mindset? or Need Spiritual Knowledge along with Law of Attraction manifestation?or Need healing from broken and tough relationships?
Here I am to help you with all these…
I’m a public speaker who can guide for success mindset along with happy and contented life.
Learn theLaw of Attraction true usage, how to apply and how to stay connected with this Universe
I am a first Indian Author to write about Twin Flame and Soulmate journeys.
I can give free counselling for specially abled children, I have more than 15 years experience in dealing the children with special needs, can guide you for their career along with some binaural beats music to heal their brain cells.
I can help you to achieve your goals and dreams fast…
How the water power works, Imagination, visualisation, vision boards creation, creating the fire in you to generate a burning desire, defining the power of faith along with Gratitude exercises, all you need is to connect with me…